What is the HESI exit exam and how can I make sure I pass it?

The HESI exam is an essential step in becoming a nurse. It is a standardized test developed by Health Education Systems, Inc (HESI) and is designed to assess student proficiency and assess achievement of curricular outcomes. The HESI exam also measures each nursing student’s ability to pass the board’s final exam, the NCLEX. They will likely tell you that you must pass the HESI exam; otherwise, she will not be able to take the final NCLEX and will risk compromising her chances of graduating. Practice tests are the first step, and scoring over 900 is great preparation for your final HESI exam, but how do you make sure you do well?

There’s no secret to passing, but there are some simple tips and tricks you can follow to make sure you’re as prepared as possible before the exam.

  • Create a study group. People tend to be more productive and remember things better when they feel supported by others. Consider arranging to get together with a few classmates on a regular basis and see if it helps.
  • Buy a review online. Some organizations will provide review sessions that you can complete online and track your progress this way. Many of these resources will also provide helpful hints and tips to ensure you are fully prepared for the exam.
  • Buy a book. You can buy material directly from HESI, and some include a disk of practice tests. By practicing on your computer, you will be preparing for how the actual exam will work. Study guides are also a great resource. Look for the ones that say “NCLEX PREP” and make sure they are authentic and up to date. You can complete the questions and then check how you did by looking for the answers. This is great practice for how the questions will look that day.
  • Focus on your weaknesses. You should have a good idea of ​​what you are good at and what you are not good at before the HESI exam. You should study the entire syllabus to be well prepared, but it’s a good idea to pay special attention to areas in which you’re not as confident. Please refer back to your class notes for help or find resources that focus specifically on this area.
  • Don’t let complicated wording put you off. Many of the questions on the HESI exam require common sense questions, but the complicated wording can sometimes confuse things. Try to translate any jargon and think about what the question is really asking. Practice will help in this area, but above all, always read the question carefully!
  • Get your family and friends involved. The people around you need to understand that this is a very important moment for you and that if you do not see them for a few days it is because you need to focus your thoughts. Having the support of your loved ones behind you is a huge confidence boost and once they understand how important it is to study for the HESI exam, hopefully they will give you some space to move forward.
  • Brain food. On the day of the HESI exam make sure you have had a good breakfast to help you concentrate. You may even want to bring a snack to keep you going. Taking a short mental break by going to the bathroom during the exam can help refresh and renew your brain, allowing you to proceed with the exam effectively.
  • You’re not alone. Finally, keep in mind that many other nurses are taking or have taken the HESI exam and have passed it, so there’s no reason why you can’t do the same! Positive thinking can really work wonders.

By following these simple tips, you will enter the HESI exam feeling well-prepared, relaxed, and ready to perform to the best of your ability.

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