The Dangers Of Cocaine Addiction

The Dangers Of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine, or coke as it is also known is a very highly abused recreational substance that can have devastating health effects on users. It has been known to cause heart attacks, strokes, loss of consciousness and even death. Cocaine, like any other illegal drug has a highly attractive face that appeals to young and old equally but does not carry the same caution with young people that it carries with older people. The reason for this is the powerful physical addiction that can begin at an early age, making it hard to keep it out of one’s system permanently. This article will concentrate on information relating to the effects of coca cola cocaine on the human body and its potential dangers.

Firstly, let us look at the physical effects of cocaine use. Cocaine causes a rapid increase in blood pressure and heart rate, often leading to fainting. This effect is due to the central nervous system stimulants found in cocaine such as adrenaline. This increase in heart rate and blood pressure leaves users feeling extremely alert and capable of acting fast, however, in a majority of cases users do not notice this effect until they are actually falling over or have suffered a heart attack. This can be a fatal combination especially if one is already diabetic and it can also lead to the cause of liver failure.

When cocaine uses enter the blood stream, it also travels through the body quickly, affecting almost all areas of the brain. This affects short term memory and ability to focus, as well as mood swings. These effects are far more pronounced in users with a genetic predisposition to cocaine abuse. In pregnant women who use cocaine, there is a real risk that the baby will suffer from severe birth defects.

Cocaine Addiction

Users of cocaine also experience euphoria for a short period of time after their last usage. This high causes increased energy levels, which can lead to confusion and depression. It also causes a lack of attention span, and users may become bored and frustrated, often leaving the drug behind. Cocaine users can also become addicted to the drug if they develop tolerance. This means that every time they use the drug they feel an increase in its effect, which can also lead to an addiction.

Many people try to combat the negative effects of cocaine by seeking treatment for withdrawal symptoms. The process of detoxing from cocaine use can be extremely difficult, as it can cause nausea, dehydration and seizures. Over time the user may find that their skin begins to crack, as well as cause them to suffer from acid reflux. The abuse of cocaine is also linked to cases of paranoia and depression. If you or a friend are affected by these symptoms, it is advisable that you seek professional help.

Withdrawal effects from cocaine addiction can take between four to six weeks. Users who have built up a strong immunity to the drug may have little difficulty overcoming their initial cravings, however, those who are less resilient may require some help through medication. It is important to recognise the dangers associated with cocaine addiction, and to seek treatment immediately should you feel the need.

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