Seven Tips for Finding a Great Car Service

The best automobile service is preventive, not mosaic. The last thing car owners need today, with increasingly busy schedules, is frequent trips to the mechanic. It is especially frustrating with recurring or easily fixed problems. Here are some tips to avoid going broke the next time your vehicle breaks down.

Check the reviews first

With the dissemination of customer reviews on the Internet, it is quite easy for a consumer to find personal accounts of a company with a quick search. Sometimes the reviews will or will not be representative of the service, but a reading of a variety of reviews can give you a reasonable expectation of what to expect. An old-fashioned review from a trusted friend, especially a car lover, doesn’t hurt either. You cannot put a price on experience.

Shopping around

Most mechanics will offer free estimates. It is helpful to get the quote for your car service on paper as proof. This document can also be used as leverage with other mechanics. Sometimes the cheapness of the price may suggest poor workmanship, but you certainly don’t want to be ripped off.

Ask to see a certification

ASE is the most common certification, and a reputable company should have no problem presenting you with such a certification. This will establish a base of experience and knowledge. A shop that has a rating from the American Automobile Association is also a good sign, as it guarantees that they have been previously reviewed by an objective source.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if you are a newbie

Beyond a price estimate, it is very useful to ask questions that you may consider basic. For example, what parts will need to be replaced? How long will the job in question take to complete? Can I see the problem area of ​​the car? Even more intense questions about the vehicle repair process shouldn’t worry a trusted mechanic. These questions will make you comfortable with car service and show the mechanic that you take caring for your car very seriously.

Go with your instinct

This advice is harder to pin down and will mean different things to different people, but it is still relevant. Simple things, like the cleanliness of the store, can be a symbol of overall service. Also, if a mechanic is giving vague answers or treating customers in a hostile manner, it’s probably a clear sign to get out while you can. Repairing a car is rarely an enjoyable experience, so there’s no need to add extra stress to the process.

Find a location near your home

This is especially important if you don’t have a friend or family member to follow you to the mechanic and drive you home. Finding a route home or to work via public transportation can be critical, depending on how long the car will be out of service.

Guarantees and specialists

This advice will apply primarily to people whose cars need to be repaired at a dealership. It also applies to those who own a car that needs special parts to be replaced. Do your research and determine if a mechanic has experience with your particular make and model. In addition, an honorable mechanic will provide warranties on new parts. Be sure to establish this warranty before they go to work on your car.

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