plant diseases

In the gardens there are certain problems that are beyond our control when it comes to plant diseases. However, there are more ways to prevent or at least reduce the chance of diseases affecting your plants.

Plant diseases can be bacterial, fungal, or viral. Everyone can enter your garden through several different ways. Often times, it can be difficult to diagnose what, if any, disease might be. The symptoms often seem similar from viral to bacterial or even fungal. Even insect damage and cultural practices can look a lot alike.

Some of the most common garden diseases are:

o Powdery Mildew – These white, powdery fungal spores are common in dry conditions. This disease usually appears on the upper leaves and will then spread downward. Early treatment and removal of damaged areas by pruning will usually save the plant.

o Gray mold: This is also a fungus that produces wrinkled, gray leaves, especially on dead and decaying tissues. Remove affected parts immediately and improve circulation of air and debris around the base of the plant or between branches and leaves.

o Sooty Mold – This mold is typically black and is also caused by fungal growth on honeydew excreted by insects. Get to the root of the problem by removing the insects from the plant, and then remove any damaged areas.

o Rust: Rust will appear on leaves and stems as bright orange or dark brown blisters. It causes wilting and is generally caused by exposure to conditions of excess moisture. Remove affected leaves or stems to eradicate the problem.

o Rhododendron Bud Blast: This disease covers the flower buds with small black fungal growths that prevent them from opening. Affected shoots must be removed.

o Rose Black Spot: This disease is very common on rose bushes and sounds like its name. A black spot usually appears in the middle of the leaves, followed by yellowing and leaf loss. Fumigation or pruning is the only remedy. Be sure to destroy any fallen leaves.

What you can do to prevent common garden diseases:

First, create the best growing environment you can for your plants. This includes putting the right plants in the right place. The soil must be loamy and well amended with plenty of organic matter, namely compost. A healthy and vigorous plant is better able to resist infection.

If location, location, and location are the key to getting the best real estate, then sanitation, sanitation, and sanitation are the key to a healthy yard. Start by keeping any new plants that may be diseased out of your garden. Carefully inspect all the plants you are considering buying. Make sure you don’t see any obvious signs or problems. Or buy “certified disease free” plants whenever possible. Next, buy plants that are resistant to various diseases.

Always keep your garden free of weeds and plant debris, both of which provide a breeding ground for certain disease-carrying pests. Decaying debris is also a hospitable host for a number of plant diseases.

If you suspect your plant debris is diseased, don’t add it to your compost pile. Instead, remove it from the garden and dispose of it elsewhere. Diseases in plant material can survive the composting process only to emerge again within the finished compost.

Many gardeners don’t realize that tools commonly transmit diseases from one plant to another. Keep tools like pruning shears disinfected. A simple solution of 10 percent bleach to 90 percent water is an effective remedy. Spray your tools often, especially plums, and always after making a cut on a diseased plant.

If it is wet, avoid working near the plants, as many plant diseases are spread by water.
Mulch provides several benefits. One is to provide a protective barrier between the soil and the foliage. Many plants fall victim to soil-borne diseases, caused when water splashes from the soil onto the foliage. Mulch is an effective tool to reduce soil related diseases.

When watering, avoid wetting the foliage if possible, and water early in the morning. Watering early in the day gives the foliage a chance to dry out before the sun reaches its full strength, preventing the plants from getting sunburned well. The longer the foliage stays moist, the greater the chances of diseases taking hold.

Finally, provide good air circulation between the plants. Air movement helps prevent some diseases from lingering long enough to take hold and allows plants to dry out more quickly.

There are certain issues that are out of our control when it comes to plant diseases. Plant diseases can be bacterial, fungal, or viral. These diseases enter your garden through different ways. Great news! There are more ways than you might think to prevent or at least reduce the chance of diseases affecting your plants.

Copyright © Larry Gildea, All Rights Reserved.

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