Category: Real Estate

Wholesale houses in the current recession

April 25, 2023

What happened? As the housing market grew in the early 2000s, mortgage companies wanted to take advantage of the bull market. One way they did this was by creating and selling exotic mortgages that virtually ignored the applicant’s creditworthiness. Why did they do this? Because these companies just sold the mortgages to the big banks,…

How to write an accountant resume that wins jobs

April 24, 2023

If you are a bookkeeper looking for a new job, you MUST read this article. Your chances of success at work may depend on it! It is important to remember the main purpose of your resume. Your resume exists to win the interest of the employer and make sure you look better than the candidates…

Istanbul – Great investment in a great city

April 23, 2023

Turkey’s ever-growing economy, large young population, growing number of wealthier consumers, and ongoing housing shortages are all important factors to consider when it comes to that country’s real estate sector. Turkey’s real estate investments were $1.1 billion in 2006, and the market will grow to $4 billion in 2007, according to the Wall Street Journal….

How to handle a courtesy job interview

April 22, 2023

During the job search, applicants should be aware of the courtesy interview. A courtesy job interview is one in which the company recruiter has no intention of hiring the candidate, but conducts the interview anyway. The courtesy interview is known to human resources departments, and is a practice carried out by all levels of the…

Foreclosure Hunt for Cell Tower Leases

April 20, 2023

Real estate investors buying foreclosures are increasingly finding apartment buildings with existing cell tower leases. Cell tower leases can be a foreclosure buyer’s best friend. However, buying foreclosed properties with a cell site lease is not easy, but deals are out there. Even the savvy real estate investor who buys a lot of foreclosures probably…

Free Book Summary A Simple Idea – By Stephen Key

April 19, 2023

Stephen Key was a mentor to Tim Ferriss. If he’s not familiar with Tim, he wrote two best-selling books, The 4-Hour Workweek and The 4-Hour Body. One Simple Idea is an instruction book on how to license ideas from it. Licensing is one of the most lucrative business models in the world. Think of these…

Top 7 Proven Home Remedies For Leucorrhoea Treatment

April 18, 2023

Excessive vaginal discharge, bad smell, stains on underwear: yes, we are talking about leucorrhoea. Leucorrhea is one of the dirtiest female vaginal infections. This condition is enough for women to feel annoyed and uncomfortable. It is horrible, but these days it has become a common problem among women. To control this vaginal infection, natural leucorrhea…

Arizona Investment Property – You Can Protect Your Buying Power

April 17, 2023

Arizona investment property has been the source of much news in recent years. First because of its rapid rate of appreciation until the credit crunch, and then because of its equally dramatic depreciation from the 2006 highs. The most amazing thing about the boom and bust is how many people never saw it coming. And…

How to Choose the Best Real Estate Marketing and Pricing Software

April 16, 2023

Pricing and marketing real estate can be a daunting task for wholesalers, rehabbers, and agents alike. Knowing the right offer can be a bargain. Being able to sell your deal quickly can also be very challenging. And finally, to get paid for your project much faster… well, you know how the story ends sometimes. Real…

Pros and cons of selling your own home

April 15, 2023

So, you want to sell your own house! Well, before you make that final decision, you should consider the reasons why you might want to change your mind. Sure, everyone knows you can save yourself that much-maligned 6% commission, but seriously, in the long run, if you don’t understand exactly what you’re doing, you’ll probably…