Category: Pets

Preventing pet overpopulation: 5 original ideas that could change the lives of stray animals

December 12, 2021

Last night I had a conversation with a new acquaintance. She told me that she had two cats that were about to “burst” (ie give birth). When I asked her why she hadn’t spayed her cats, she said, “It’s too expensive.” This man lives alone in a 6,000-square-foot home, owns other areas and collects cars,…

Learn the secrets your cat’s tail reveals!

December 7, 2021

Your cat’s tail is used for more than just balance. Cats use their tails as a sign of emotion and communication, and also to indicate what state of mind they are in. Remember those trendy mood rings back in the 1970s? They made a comeback not long ago. Remember how the ring changed color when…

"We all die like marines" Boarded the USS Midway Museum, San Diego, CA

November 25, 2021

Colonel Jim Bathurst’s recently published book now prominently graces the shelves of the 17th gift shop on America’s Top 20 Museums (USS MIDWAY MUSEUM) list, as rated by YELP, and published in USA Today. In it, Colonel Bathurst recounts his nearly thirty-six years of service in the United States Marine Corps, where he rose from…

Questions to ask before buying a hedgehog

November 23, 2021

No matter where you choose to buy your new hedgehog, be it a pet store, animal shelter, rescue, or breeder, there are certain questions you MUST ask to select the best hedgehog. If the person you are buying your hedgehog from cannot answer these questions, there is always the possibility that you will end up…

Hunting the Mississippi Bobcats

November 21, 2021

In the forests of Mississippi, large predators are few and far between. We don’t have grizzly bears or wolves, and contrary to what your friend Robbie says, there hasn’t been a confirmed panther sighting in decades. What we do have are wildcats. What is a wild cat? With a scientific name like Lynx rufus, the…

Duration of the cockatoo in captivity

November 18, 2021

Keeping your cockatiel healthy Note that you are your bird’s cook, caterer, housekeeper, and taxi service. You can help your cockatiel live longer by providing healthy food, clean living conditions, and a trip to the vet if necessary. Cockatiels are generally healthy unless they are kept in dirty, crowded conditions, or given incorrectly. Provide filtered…

How to make a Leo fall in love? 5 secrets on how to tame the lion

November 15, 2021

Here is the royal and luxurious sign of the zodiac: Leo. The lion enjoys the glory of his greatness and is not ashamed to boast of his beauty and superiority. This is why a lover who knows how to complement and ride with Leo’s narcissistic tendency will win over the lion as a cute and…

Spooky Rotastak Castle – Description and Information

November 14, 2021

Tea Information and description of the spooky castle of Rotastak – another great Rotastak creation. Created with the concept of ancient castles and secret chambers, Creepy Castle has an aura of excitement and mystery. It even has a glow in the dark that will definitely get kids excited. It is properly designed for your small…

I will never do it

November 13, 2021

During my childhood I was a feline person. We probably had about 6 or 7 cats before I graduated from high school. After meeting my husband in college, who had a dog, I quickly became a canine person. I discovered that I was very fond of dogs, but not just any dog; I liked large…

Hermann’s Tortoise Beginner’s Guide

November 12, 2021

This is golden brown in color with two dark stripes at the bottom (plastron). Males have longer and thicker tails but are much smaller than females. Hermann’s female tortoise can reach 10 inches in length and males average only 5 inches. These chelonians originate from Europe and can be found from southern France to Italy,…